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At Glamorous K9s, we offer a different kind of boarding atmosphere. Our bedroom suites are not kennels, there are no cages here, and there are no flaps to go outside (or let cold air in). All lodging suites are heated and air conditioned. Skylight windows provide a bright & cheerful atmosphere. Pets are individually let out to explore and play in their own play yard. TVs are always on and automatically set to play familiar and relaxing sounds to make your dog the most comfortable in their suite. (Note: Apologies, but we do not take specific channel requests).


We schedule 5 active/outside times during the day. On nicer days we have more/longer active times. These active times alternate with indoor quiet times.  During the quiet times, we don’t allow visitors or any arrival/departures. This allows everyone to calm down and relax in their suites. We always have music/talk radio on in the facility. This serves as background noise to keep the dogs more comfortable.


Our suites are 5ft by 8ft, with 6ft walls that open up to a 15ft ceiling to give them an open feeling. We also have a larger family room that is 8ft by 8ft. This is generally used for families with multiple dogs (3 and up) or larger dogs that need just need that extra room. The family room is priced differently than our normal suites. Most suites have 3/4 doors with a shelf that allows the dog(s) to see out and us to see in, but we do have suites with tall doors available for the "jumpers!"


Our standard rate for one dog in a 5’ by 8’ suite is $44/day. The price increases with additional guests staying in the suite. This price includes all active/exercise and one-on-one times throughout the day. We have two drop-off/pickup windows Monday through Saturday at 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM and one window Sunday at 4:00-6:00 PM.


We offer a daycare service at $39 per day. For dogs that come regularly, we have a daycare package. The package decreases the price of daycare to $25 per day. The package includes 5 passes to be used at your choice.


We offer a free “practice” day for new guests. Your pet spends the day with us and experiences the facility. We believe this promotes our services and we get to meet you.








Suites are a 5ft x 8ft bedroom with a 4ft door. A little bedroom awaits our guests and each suite may consist of a cot, blankets, feed-dish holders and other comforts of home. Every room is set-up according to your pet’s needs and includes a flat-screen TV to help your pet feel at home.

We encourage you to bring their own blankets, toys, bones and other things from home to make them feel more comfortable

Our facility has a smoke, fire and security system with a direct connection to 911 and our private residence is on the property.

Each guest enjoys individual time outside 4 to 5 times each day in a fenced-in play yard. There is Puppy Playground Equipment® for some added fun and exercise for your pet to play on, over and under. Your pet can be entertained with a game of ball throw or chase.

Meals are served according to your pet's needs and schedule. We feed your pet their own food brought from home according to their regular feeding routine. Please do not alter their normal food/treats schedule for their stay. Changes in diet could affect them during their stay.


Food should be brought in Ziploc bags with each meal measured and labeled with your pet's name. We have refrigeration for those foods requiring it and a microwave to heat any specialty foods. Canned and prepackaged wet food can be brought in the original containers. For those guests staying longer than one week, we will accept food in a large container with feeding instructions. 


You may bring your pet's favorite treats too! Chewies, rawhides, bones, greenies etc. can also be served (please only bring those items that your pet may have unsupervised in their suite).

The following vaccinations are required to be current for all of our guests:

  • RABIES (official rabies certificate required by PA state law)


  • BORDETELLA (canine cough/kennel cough; must be administered at least 1 week prior to check-in day)

  • For OUT-OF-STATE guests, we will also need an Interstate CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection). The certificate must state that the dog is at least 8 weeks of age and show no signs or symptoms of infectious or communicable disease; did not originate within an area under quarantine for rabies; and, ascertained by reasonable investigation, has bot nee exposed to rabies within 100 days of entering Pennsylvania.


Veterinarian vaccination records should be emailed, faxed or mailed a minimum of 1 week prior to your pet’s stay.


Medications can be administered according to your pet's needs. Pills should be put in a daily dosing pill box marked with your pet’s name and instructions. Please include in the instructions the type of medication and the reason the medication is being administered.


Each pet must be on a vet recommended flea treatment. A receipt or photo copy of product box can be e-mailed, faxed or mailed prior to your pet’s stay.

Duke and Pam Wagner, Resort Owners

906 Kimmerlings Road, Lebanon, PA 17046

PH: (717) 273-3963  |  FAX: (717) 273-3574  |


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